Microsoft on Tuesday introduced a refresh version of Office 365. Built on the foundation of Office 365, the Microsoft 365 gets artificial intelligence (AI), rich content and templates, and cloud-powered experiences to empower people in various ways. The Microsoft 365 is a subscription-based service, available for personal and family usage. The Microsoft 365 Personal and Family plans will be available from April 21, at starting price of Rs 4,199 a year.
For the best value, a family of up to six people can use Microsoft 365 Family for Rs 5,299 a year, the company said in a statement.
The new Microsoft 365 Personal and Family plans will include access to Outlook and the Office desktop apps for Windows and macOS, 1 Terabyte of OneDrive storage per person and 50 Gigabytes of email storage, Skype call recording and 60 minutes of Skype landline and mobile phone calls.
In addition, Microsoft also introduced two new Microsoft 365 experiences that will be available for preview in the coming months.
A new 'Family Safety' app is designed to keep families safe across the digital and physical worlds.
Microsoft is previewing new home features for Teams that are now part of Microsoft 365 subscriptions designed to let friends and family connect in a group chat or through video calls.
Microsoft is also adding a lot of Office-related features with transition to Microsoft 365.
AI-powered Microsoft 365 with new productivity features replaces Office 365Users will soon be able to access the existing Editor feature of Word, which is more of an advanced proofing service than the regular grammar and spellcheck features.
PowerPoint is also getting some exclusive features for Microsoft 365 consumers.
Microsoft also launched a presentation coach for PowerPoint. This AI-driven feature helps you avoid filler words and other presentation no-nos.
AI-powered Microsoft 365 with new productivity features replaces Office 365In partnership with Plaid, one can now link their bank accounts to Excel and import all of their expenses into your spreadsheets.
This feature, dubbed "Money in Excel," will launch in the US in the coming months.
AI-powered Microsoft 365 with new productivity features replaces Office 365Outlook is getting the ability to link your work and personal calendars on the web.
Additionally, Microsoft 365 subscribers also get exclusive access to more than 200 new templates and thousands of images and videos from Getty Images.
Microsoft has also introduced a new Password Monitor feature for its Edge browser.
The Password Monitor will let users know if any passwords have been compromised in database breaches so you can change them easily.
To help people get connected even faster, Microsoft recently introduced a new feature in Skype called 'Meet Now' that allows users to easily create video meetings in as little as three clicks for free, with no sign ups or downloads required.
Tech giant is also working with Adobe, Experian, Bark, Blinklist, and others to offer limited-time access to other premium consumer subscriptions.
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