Chinese electronics maker Realme recently launched its 100W soundbar speaker system, priced at Rs 6,999. Called the Realme 100W soundbar, it is a 2.1 channel audio system with a dedicated wired subwoofer. The soundbar features a quad-speaker set-up – two full-range speakers and two high-frequency tweeters, each of 15W power output. Its wired subwoofer has a 40W audio driver for low-frequency output.
The soundbar features a rectangular tube-shaped design with a plastic build and a mesh covering the entire front. It does not look cheap but ordinary. Overall, the soundbar has a no-frills design with smooth curved edges. It has a light-weight build, which makes it convenient to use either as an extended audio system with television or as a standalone device. However, the soundbar’s wired subwoofer limits its standalone utility due to portability issues.
Although the sound bar supports wall-mount and table-top installations, it is better suited for the latter because most of its port are available on its back. Speaking of ports, the soundbar features optical, coaxial, HDMI ARC, AUX, and USB. Besides, there are ports to connect subwoofer and power cable. For wireless connectivity, the soundbar has Bluetooth.
The soundbar behaves differently with different connectivity options: each has its own issues. For example, there is a significant audio delay when connected with TV through Bluetooth. The HDMI ARC works fine with regard to audio but it does not support Amazon Prime Video and Netflix – you need to manually change the digital audio output from TV settings to PCM to make it work with these over-the-top platforms. Moreover, the on-screen volume indicator disappears in the HDMI ARC connection. Aux connectivity seems to be a safer bet, but the audio quality suffers distortion.
With regard to audio output, the Realme 100W soundbar is a fundamental audio system that just covers the basics. It is best suited to enhance the smart TV audio experience – that’s it! The overall output is satisfactory, with a decent amount of loudness, treble and bass. The soundbar supports music, movies and voice audio profiles. It works fine across audio profiles but the difference is marginal. Though a 2.1 channel audio system, the surround sound effect is mostly missing and the stereo effect is poor too.
At Rs 6,999, the Realme 100W Soundbar is on the pricier side, considering that it is a basic audio system. It, however, makes a suitable option if you need a no-frills soundbar to complement your smart TV audio experience.
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